Friday, June 19, 2009

Ashamed of the insensitivity!

What a big hypocrisy! Today I really feel ashamed of the judiciary system in India! And well, this is definitely not the first time I am feeling this.
Shiney Ahuja rape case will now be tried by a fast track court? Why??? There will be a ‘fast’ justice, when a girl is raped by a film actor? Or when the case is being focused by media? This is so atrocious!! What is the base of taking that case in fast track court? Had she been raped by someone else, it was ok to take the justice its own ‘Indian standard time’. There are many cases already pending with the court. But this one is important. No no… not because for the sake of justice, but for the sake of culprit involved.
The 26/11 case is taking its own time. It is being rechecked that, the witnesses have actually seen Kasab and not on TV or newspaper. Bullshit!
Then there is Mohammad Afzal, who is convicted of attack on Indian Parliament. The attack happened in 2001, he was sentenced in 2004 for the capital punishment to be carried out in 2006. But now it has been stayed!!! Till when???
Isn’t a country like Iran better for this matter, where culprits convicted for blasts were hanged the immediate next day! Yeah, surely we have our principles which compel us for the processes to be followed. But at what cost? At the cost of trust on the judiciary system? How a common man can trust the judiciary system? Definitely punishing a pawn doesn’t solve the problem. But for how much time should he be fade on the tax payers’ money?
Now is this rape case being taken on fast track, really to solve the problem or just to fool the public or to relive him asap since he is ‘the’ film star and lot of money is invested in him! Or may be the usual sympathy of Chief Ministers towards film stars! When the judiciary system is so partial, no wonder the general public in India is insensitive at times. For example, when a film star carelessly bangs his car on a sleeping person, for whom the public worries? For their star of course! Anyways, what’s the value of life of ‘just a’ human being as against that of a star. Public worries because the star will have to stay in jail. So sad!
I definitely agree that the girl should get justice at the earliest. But then every rape case should have a special separate court, where they can be solved at the earliest. Like Bachchi Karkeria in her article rightly said, rape as a national entertainment! When will system (which includes the judiciary system, the media as well as general public) be a little more sensitive??

Monday, June 8, 2009

Do not marry outside the 'Tribe' !!

Yesterday I was watching a debate on BBC about whether a Muslim woman should have the right to choose her husband or not. Well, I am sure this debate cannot be restricted only to Muslim women or may be not even to women alone, as still there is a large percentage of people marrying without choice.
But it gave rise to some other questions in my mind. A lady participating in the debate strongly stated that, a woman should not be allowed to marry "outside the tribe". TRIBE!! My first reaction was obviously 'Bullshit!' A woman has all the rights to marry a person of her choice irrespective of his religion. RELIGION!
Are tribe and religion the same?
When I searched for the definition of Tribe, it was
"a social group of humans connected by a shared system of values and organized for mutual care, defense, and survival beyond that which could be attained by a lone individual or family"
There was no reference to religion!!
A tribe has shared system of values. In other words, those who belong to a specific value system can be considered to be part of a specific Tribe. So can I say that…
· the women, who demand a ‘fair’ daughter-in-law, belong to the same tribe of racist in Australia (I don’t know if India should really protest against the racial attacks, when it itself has got quite a big market for ‘fairness creams’, who try to convince how changing colour can change life! Have these protestants ever thought of these racists in their own country who though don’t stab people, yet kill their confidence, which is like slow poisoning)
· the smokers, polluting industries, people who throw ‘Nirmalya’ (flowers offered to God) in water, people who make chemically painted, Plaster of Paris idols and then throw them in water, builders who kill mangroves to grow money from land, ships that leave oil in water, all belong to the ‘contaminating tribe’
· people who use electricity or water or any other natural resource carelessly, those parents who proudly say that ‘our son only drinks coca cola’ (I have seen a kid whose 1st requirement in the morning was a cold-drink which was made available to him with lot of pampering. It was disgusting to see a 4-5 years old boy drinking cold-drink through out the day!), big celebrities (who know people blindly believe in them) advertising for unhealthy products, all belong to the ‘careless creatures tribe’
So when question of spending life with someone arises, shouldn’t we rather discriminate based on tribes than religion? Life partners don’t relate to each other only in the kitchen or bedroom, but what matter most are the values. For example, survival of a girl married in a racist family will depend on maintenance of her colour irrespective of her other characteristics. A person of ‘environmentalist tribe’ might not be able to spend life with a smoker. A person of ‘vegan tribe’ will prefer to stay away from ‘non-vegetarian tribe’. So on and so forth.
Will marrying in the same religion guarantee a good life? I don’t think so. But yes, I believe, marrying in the same ‘tribe’ might actually give a good life!