But there is no such immediate punishment for smoking or pollution etc. The effect can be experienced only in long term. That means there is a scope for mistakes till then.
What if nature makes strict rules for everything? Then we will not need all the laws n regulations. Rather many of them can be avoided. Laws made by man can be broken but those made by nature cannot be broken.
But then may be man could not have made so much progress. But atleast man would not have caused so much danger to nature, which he has caused today.
What is the base..what is the reason of where a natural rule should exist n where it should not?
Hmmm...a unique and interesting thought! I would love to express myself on this...
ReplyDeleteWell as we know natural rules do exist for everything...things that we can perceive and things that we cannot. We are a small part of a system that we call 'cosmos' ruled by certain physical laws by which everything functions -- always in a manner so as to obtain a state of equilibrium (laws of thermodynamics!!). Whatever we humans 'do' can be called our 'interactions' with our ecosystems (or 'earth' in context of humanity) which is always gonna effect this equilibrium in some way...greater the change greater would be the corrective measure towards attaining equilibrium. So, it would be wise to define the term 'harming' the nature in terms of the consequences of our actions that would be affecting us eventually....because that's what we are interested in! If we plan our interactions in such a manner as to minimize the effects on this equilibrium, we can make progress! For example, if we continue to plant sufficient no. of trees, we can cut some trees for our use...then our tree cutting activity is not 'harming' the nature! But if we just keep on consuming without refilling it's gonna 'harm' the planet...or better put...render our planet less favorable for us to survive on it! Old world people complied to this concept of living in 'equilibrium' (or 'harmony') with nature. Industrialization brought in the culture of consumption to our current world...that's when the equilibrium started getting disturbed. Fortunately govts. across the globe are realizing this and we are looking at future technologies that enable us to refill along with consumption and hence help us retain our harmony with nature!
I truly appreciate your thoughts. Although they are very much justifiable, they are absolutely different from what I have tried to express.
ReplyDeleteHere I am ONLY talking about the 'scope' for mistakes. Till when can a particular mistake be committed? The difference in my post and your comment is that I am talking about scope of a action and you are talking about consequences or positive/negative outcomes of that action.
For example,in a region there is ceaseless wood cutting, without any new plantation, the nature might not react immediately. So the scope for that mistake will be for years. But if a child puts his/her hands on a hot plate, s/he is taught a lesson that immediately that there is no scope for this mistake. So its only about the scope...the starting point.