As we came back from the morning coffee break, my colleague showed me the article in today's Financial Times by Ramachandra Guha - "India too corrupt to become a superpower". A very blunt but true article!
I couldn't agree more with this statement. Time and again we Indians have expressed anger about corrupt systems. But we conveniently ignore the fact that its not the system but our minds are corrupt. We have given it a nice name - "spirit". The next day after every blast Mumbai is back on track. We call it the spirit of Mumbaikars(?)! Everytime there is a blast we are shattered. We discuss with our friends in a exasperated tone about our darling city. But everytime there is a guilt feeling that tomorrow we will be smiling again. We will post our protest against terrorists on facebook. We will do peace marchs. We will write articles about it. We will show off our knowledge about previous attacks. We will scold stupid (?) politicians. We will display irritation about the sensationalisation by media. Basically, evertything that CANNOT make any damn difference!
We have a saying in Marathi - 'Shivaji janmava pan shejari'. It means, the warrior should be born but in the neighbour family. We will just eat the fruits of his/her victory. But if everyone keeps waiting for the neighbourer, forget victory but there isn't gonna be even a fight. Those who survive, survive! Those who die, die!
Many times I wonder why are we together? Are we not fooling ourselves with India's glory? Undoubtedly, India has one of the greatest cultures and histories in this world. But it is over a period of time we have ruined it. Today, India just looks like a group of small countries to me. Its foolish to tie together the interests of all the states with hugely different necessatities and characteristics. Corruption is definitely a big problem. But its made worse with centralising the powers of the second most populous country in the hands of just a bunchful of people.
If Maharashtra's chief minister was more answerable to the residents of Maharashtra than to the remote control in Delhi, things with Mumbai could have been different. Moreover the other equally important but ignored issues like hundreds of farmer suisides in rural parts wouldn't have been ignored. I do not see any connection in the interests of West Indian states with North Indian ones. Or that of North Indian ones with South Indian. Then having mostly the north Indians in the central power cannot ensure any unbiased and fair treatment to rest of the states. But binding all the states together the priorities are greatly distratced from the necessities. If unfortunately we do not have honest and shrude politicians who have the intent and vision for a bright India, then its out of question they can handle this diverse country.
Last week there were the attacks and yesterday there was a photo of Mr. Menon enjoying a cheerful laugh with Ms. Clinton. For sure they roared together to take concrete actions against terrorism. But we are matured enough not to believe in them, right? Yeah, its a different thing we want to pretend ourself 'nice' by making this a headline news. But we know the truth! The only necessary thing to wipe off corruption is intention to do so. But unfortunately we are so much used to the 'it's okay' attitude that even we don't want to stress ourself much with it.
While the bollywood movies keep us engrossed with the lavish Indian culture and great Indian values, we should not forget the fact that we closing our eyes does not mean others cannot see us!